


> Dance Workshops
> Teacher Training
> Battery Dance Company and the Blue House


In October 1940, more than 5,600 Jewish people from Baden were forced onto seven trains that crossed the Breisach railway bridge on their way to the internment camp at Gurs in southwestern France. How can their memory be preserved?

How can other groups who suffered under Nazi injustice also be remembered? And what significance do memories of wartime events and the suffering experienced in Baden and Alsace between 1870 and 1945 still hold today?

Biographical Work

French and German school classes are invited to research and explore the biographies of individuals who suffered under Nazi injustice, including both well-known and lesser-known life stories from their immediate or wider surroundings. The focus is on Alsatian and Baden resistance fighters, Sinti and Roma, Jewish individuals, forced labourers, prisoners of war, people in psychiatric institutions, and Alsatians who were forcibly conscripted into the Wehrmacht.

Historical Research

The project involves historians who have been tasked with addressing unanswered questions. These include the deportation of Baden’s Jewish population to Gurs, its connection to the de facto annexation of Alsace, the expulsion of the Jewish population of Alsace, and the histories of groups whose lives were closely linked to the railway line.

Project Partners